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Participation of colleges in the Saudi Universities Sports Federation competition in the cross-country championship for universities in Bisha

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In light of the colleges’ keenness to refine and prepare the university student’s personality, keep him away from the routine of study, and raise his physical and health level, the colleges participated in the Saudi Universities Sports Federation competition in the cross-country championship, which was held in the city of Bisha from 6-10/2/2018 AD under the patronage of the Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmed Al-Issa, with the participation of 145 contestants representing 24 public and private universities and colleges.

The championship began with a cross-country race of 8.50 kilometers. The colleges were represented in this championship by students: Khaled Al-Saqihi, Khaled Al-Dakhil, and Nawaf Al-Olayan from the College of Medicine and Surgery, and student Fahd Al-Ajmi from the College of Nursing, accompanied by the team administrator: Professor Suleiman Al-Zamil. 

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