The Emergency Medical Services Club at Almaarefa University, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, participates in the World Suicide Prevention Day and World First Aid Day events to raise awareness about psychological support and essential skills in emergency situations.

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As part of its ongoing efforts to enhance public health awareness, Almaarefa University, represented by the Emergency Medical Services Club, participated in the awareness events organized by the Ministry of Health for World Suicide Prevention Day and World First Aid Day.

This participation is part of a joint initiative aimed at highlighting the importance of psychological support in emergency situations and teaching essential first aid skills. The Emergency Medical Services Club at Almaarefa University conducted a series of educational activities and workshops designed to enhance attendees' knowledge of crisis intervention basics and how to provide immediate psychological support to individuals.

The events included interactive lectures and practical demonstrations showcasing model emergency situations and effective handling methods. Educational materials were also distributed, covering first aid strategies, recognizing signs of psychological disorders, and the necessary procedures to support individuals in such cases.

These events underscore Almaarefa University's commitment to actively contributing to public health awareness and enhancing community safety, in line with its goals of providing academic and professional support to the community.

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