- بمشاركة نخبة من المتحدثين و المختصين، تنظم #جامعة_المعرفة بالتعاون مع جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية “ملتقى التأمين والصيدلة”، الذي يهدف إلى ربط الرعاية الصحية بمجال التأمين وإدارة المخاطر. للتسجيل: https://t.co/QA0TGJNq9k https://t.co/rH0JPmahm1
- نتمنى لكم فصلًا دراسيًا حافلاً بالنجاحات ومكللاً بالتميز ☁️ كما نضع بين أيديكم تقويم الفصل الدراسي الثاني ✨ https://lnkd.in/eqExWb…
- RT by @Almaarefa: الظهور الأول لطالبات جامعة المعرفة بعد حصولهن على المركز الثالث في مؤتمر دبي الدولي للصيدلة كأفضل بحث علمي من بين 500 متسابق#بهو_الجامعة#العربيةFM pic.twitter.com/EZpOJNBf5T
- بجَذَلٍ غامر، وترقبٍ بالغ.. نعلن لكم عن هيكلة نادي كبسولة للفصل الدراسي الثاني ١٤٤٦ هـ – ٢٠٢٥ م بكم تُنـال الأماني، ويطيب بسعيكم ا…
- وقعت #جامعة_المعرفة مذكرة تفاهم مع الجمعية السعودية للمحاكاة الصحية في مجال الخدمات التعليمية و التدريبية و الأبحاث و الخدمة المجتمعية. https://t.co/a3s85LYsgZ
The Vision
Provide a comfortable educational environment that enhances learning, professionalism, research, and community services
Graduating competent physicians with high ethical values in an effective educational environment, inspiring research, and community service
- Quality
- Teamwork
- Trust and honesty
- Student-centered education
طلبة #جامعة_المعرفة الأعزاء..نهئنكم بتميز ما أنجزتم في الفصل الدراسي الأول، ونرجو لكم إجازة سعيدة. pic.twitter.com/CNS8FwnSQD — جامعة المعرفة (@AlMaarefa) January 2, 2025
ساهم طلبة #جامعة_المعرفة في تنظيم مؤتمر مستشفى الملك خالد التخصصي للعيون الدولي 2024 @KKESHKSA، مؤكدين دورهم الريادي في خدمة المجتمع، وذلك خلال حدث مميز شهد تقديم نخبة من البرامج العلمية
نظمت اللجنة الطلابية بكلية الطب في #جامعة_المعرفة حملة توعوية للأطفال بعنوان "أبطال الغذاء"، هدفت الحملة إلى تعزيز الوعي بأهمية التغذية الصحية لدى الأطفال من خلال تقديم مجموعة من الأنشطة والفعاليات
نظمت اللجنة الطلابية لكلية الطب في #جامعة_المعرفة حملة توعوية تهدف إلى رفع الوعي بأهمية الكشف المبكر عن سرطان الثدي وطرق الوقاية منه. تأتي هذه المبادرة ضمن سلسلة من الفعاليات الصحية
Under the supervision of Dr. Amani Mohammed, a group of medical students at Al-Maarefa University presented an outstanding research on the second day of ophthalmology research organized by the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs. The team included
Under the supervision of Dr. Amani Mohammed, medical students at the University of Knowledge: Jawhara Bin Issa, Jude Asfari, Sahar Al-Bahri, Lynn Bandar, Mahmoud Alawi, and Rama Madghamesh, presented a research poster that received great acclaim at
In a friendly dialogue meeting, the students of the delegation from the sisterly State of Kuwait were gathered, in the presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine at #_Maarefa University, Dr. Khaled Al-Qamizi, and the Head of the Kuwaiti Cultural Office, Mr. Ahmed Al-Khanfar. We wish them
# University of Knowledge welcomes the return of students, wishing them a new academic year full of success and good luck. pic.twitter.com/TxHDwy848a — University of Knowledge (@AlMaarefa) August 26, 2024
With a modern vision for developing human capabilities and achieving transformations, Almaarefa University has designed its specialties to start your journey in the job market. You can browse the website for admission procedures, tuition fees, and all information related to academic programs.
The College of Medicine warns against placing plastic water bottles in the sun... Some plastic water bottles contain BPA (a chemical used in the manufacture of plastic bottles), and when exposed to these
The College of Medicine at # - Al-Maarefa University alerts...@AlMaarefa pic.twitter.com/X8l9KGpwdt — Al-Maarefa University (@AlMaarefa) June 17, 2024
Part of the oath ceremony for graduates of #, Al-Maarifa University, 11th batch, presented by the Dean of the College of Medicine, Dr. Khaled Al-Qumaizi. @AlMaarefa pic.twitter.com/MGc5npXnnH — Knowledge University (@AlMaarefa) June 8, 2024
Dean's Message
During the past two decades, medical education has witnessed a significant acceleration in the development of its content, the diversity of learning and teaching strategies, the extension of the roles of faculty members, joint education among all students of different health specialties, and students’ centric activities aligned with community needs and future trends in the field of health and healthcare. The future of medical practice is influenced by many factors, including the divergent trend between focusing on individualized and personalized care and population health management, between professional skills development and the growing role of technology, artificial intelligence and big data, as well as between the expansion of comprehensive coverage and the enhancement of the benefits package provided to beneficiaries.
With these great variables and diversity in teaching methods and strategies, the Faculty of Medicine at Almaarefa University believes that the student is the main focus in this context by enhancing and developing his cognitive abilities, practical and clinical skills, and personal skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, teamwork, self-learning, mastery and application of different technology in His career and communication with patients and preparing him to work and learn in all different fields and environments internally and externally, enhanced by the spirit of compassion and care for individuals and society. He is well equipped to provide the necessary support to his colleagues in the healthcare team with a skill that combines leadership and teamwork. The faculty also believes that the faculty leadership, members, students, the various University administrations and faculties, and all our partners in the field of training and work are sharing a common goal, which is to raise the level of graduates and maximize their value for healthcare and community. Therefore, the college is working on developing its curricula and preparing training programs for faculty members and students to achieve its strategic vision to be a pioneering medical college in education, learning, innovation and community service with high efficiency and sustainability.