تقدم الآن

The College of Medicine Prepares its Students for Professional Practice

The university places a high priority on preparing students both academically and skillfully, starting from their enrollment in the university and extending beyond their graduation. The student is one of the most important outputs of the university, and the university is committed to producing high-quality graduates. In line with this vision, the College of Medicine organized a preparation and training course for its students for the professional practice licensure examination. The course spanned three days, from November 25th to November 28th, 2021, comprising approximately 20 training hours.

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The university places a high priority on preparing students both academically and skillfully, starting from their enrollment in the university and extending beyond their graduation. The student is one of the most important outputs of the university, and the university is committed to producing high-quality graduates. In line with this vision, the College of Medicine organized a preparation and training course for its students for the professional practice licensure examination. The course spanned three days, from November 25th to November 28th, 2021, comprising approximately 20 training hours.

During the course, specialized lectures were delivered by a group of academic and professional experts to ensure comprehensive coverage of academic and professional aspects that equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills.

المزيد من المقالات

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#جامعة_المعرفة ترحب بالطلبة الأعزاء مع بدء الفصل الدراسي الثاني، سائلين الله سبحانه أن يكون فصلاً دراسيًا مليئًا بالتوفيق والنجاح للجميع. pic.twitter.com/PTVixzdh0j — جامعة المعرفة (@AlMaarefa) January 13, 2025

في إنجاز دولي جديد .. حققت طالبات كلية الصيدلة في #جامعة_المعرفة، نادية دحدولي، ريناد الشمري، و سيدة جويرية، المركز الثالث في أفضل ملصق علمي ضمن مؤتمر ومعرض دبي الدولي للصيدلة والتكنولوجيا (دوفات). https://t.co/zuZmF9dRoS

في إنجاز دولي جديد .. حققت طالبات كلية الصيدلة في #جامعة_المعرفة، نادية دحدولي، ريناد الشمري، و سيدة جويرية، المركز الثالث في أفضل ملصق علمي ضمن مؤتمر ومعرض دبي الدولي للصيدلة والتكنولوجيا (دوفات). pic.twitter.com/zuZmF9dRoS — جامعة المعرفة (@AlMaarefa) January 12, 2025

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