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The fourth student meeting

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The fourth student meeting

Based on the college’s academic calendar, the Student Affairs Administration, represented by the Student Activities Department, and in cooperation with public relations at the college, held the fourth student meeting for the academic year 1435 AH - 1436 AH - in the presence of the Dean of the College, His Excellency Dr. Ibrahim Al-Mulhim, and the college deputies for academic affairs, admission and registration, as well as department heads and lecturers.

The student presenting the meeting, Nawaf Al-Omari, welcomed the dean, the attending professors, and his fellow students, congratulating them and congratulating them on these blessed days, announcing the beginning of the meeting with fragrant verses recited by the student Abdullah Nasser.

After that was the speech of His Excellency the Dean, which he began by congratulating the fellow brothers on performing the Hajj obligation, as well as congratulating the students on the good return to the classroom after spending their vacation. Then His Excellency indicated that this is the second meeting with the students in the first semester, stressing the importance of these meetings that shorten the distance between the students. The dean of the college stated, in order to overcome all obstacles that a student may encounter in his educational career, that the main goal of this meeting is that it is an opportunity to meet with college deputies, professors, department heads, and lecturers, to answer all students’ inquiries, and to listen to their suggestions and comments.

His Excellency stressed that they and the Covenant will always answer these inquiries with full transparency and frankness

Then came the speech of the college’s representative for admission, registration, and student affairs, Dr. Yasser Al-Turki, who began by congratulating all the college’s employees on the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education to adopt the name “Knowledge Colleges,” and that it is a first step in transforming them, with God’s help, into “Knowledge University.” His Excellency also stressed a set of important points, which is the necessity of complete compliance. The college’s rules and regulations, as well as participating in the activities that the college provides for its students, and urging registration in higher education competitions, especially the Sixth Scientific Conference.

Then it was the turn of the student council president, Bassam Al-Saeedan, who assured his colleagues that the council is the voice of all students and that they aim to involve the largest number of college students in its various scientific, cultural and sports committees. Then he mentioned the most important goals that the council seeks to achieve this year, perhaps the most prominent of which is investment. Free time for students to benefit them and their community.

Then the presenter of the meeting announced that students would be given an open space to submit their questions and inquiries to the Deanship of the College, which graciously responded to all the inquiries and observations received in an atmosphere of frankness and transparency.

At the end of the meeting, the presenter thanked the students who attended and invited everyone to eat snacks and juices.

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