On the fourth of February of each year, the entire world celebrates World Cancer Day as a reminder and to spread awareness about cancer as an expression of the suffering of all humanity from this disease. It was organized by the Center for Community Development at our university, and with the active participation of both the College of Medicine and the College of Pharmacy. It was held on 6-22. -1442, corresponding to February 4, 2021, a lecture under the slogan “This is me, and this is what I will do.” This lecture aims to raise awareness among the community about methods of diagnosis and the causes of infection with it. The lecturers also talked about the risk factors and types of this disease, and the speakers from the College of Pharmacy discussed methods Treatment and the mechanism of using medications. The university’s employees wish a speedy recovery to those suffering from cancer, praying to God Almighty to grant everyone health and wellness.
هاكاثون “جسور الذكاء” – AI Enablthone
تعلن جامعة المعرفة، بالتعاون مع مركز الملك سلمان لأبحاث الإعاقة، عن إطلاق هاكاثون “جسور الذكاء”، الحدث الابتكاري الذي يهدف لدعم الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة عبر تقنيات الذكاء الصناعي. يحتفل الهاكاثون باليوم العالمي للإعاقة في 3 ديسمبر 2024، ويجمع قادة وخبراء عالميين