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Registration begins at Al-Ma'rifa Colleges of Science and Technology

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Al-Maarifa Colleges of Science and Technology announces the start of receiving male and female students wishing to enroll in the second semester of the current academic year 1436/1437 AH. It grants bachelor’s degrees in the specializations of medicine and applied sciences, which include the specializations of nursing, respiratory care, emergency medical services, computer sciences, and information systems. It also grants a degree Doctor of Pharmacy.

Al Maarifa Colleges of Science and Technology are among the leading educational sectors in the field of medical sciences, applied sciences and clinical pharmacy.

The colleges provide educational opportunities while applying quality standards in their programs and educational plans to achieve excellence and ensure the best outcomes at the local and regional levels.

The applicant for a bachelor’s degree in any of the specializations available in colleges must have a high school diploma or its equivalent, in addition to the achievement test and aptitude test prepared by the National Center for Measurement and Evaluation.

Those interested can view the conditions and apply through the electronic portal Enter the registration request electronically.

Al-Maarifa Colleges of Science and Technology are proud of the successes they have achieved for their graduates, who were the first to pass the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties exam for the academic year 1435-1436 AH with high percentages, as they had a clear imprint of working in the health sector in the Kingdom, which came as a result of high interest in the educational level in the health sector from It is the duty of our wise government to qualify the people of this country to make them an essential pillar in the future development process. 

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