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Knowledge Colleges hold a training course entitled “Test Your Academic Achievement”

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On the evening of Wednesday, May 3, 2017 AD, the Colleges of Knowledge held a training course entitled “Test Your Academic Achievement,” which was intended for secondary school students, the third year of science, by Professor Musa Al-Lifan, the educational supervisor for science subjects and head of the Science Division in the Department of Education in Al-Majma’ah Governorate, and the trainer. Accredited by the King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue and testing the capabilities and competencies of teachers.

This specialized course aims to identify the correct ways and means to improve academic achievement and prepare students for the achievement test. The course also included a training program through which the students took a measurement test in an atmosphere of interaction, participation and motivation among the participating students, whose number approached about two hundred students.

Knowledge colleges hold such free courses for secondary school students, as a type of initiative that supports the community to develop their scientific and practical skills and direct them towards the appropriate universities and colleges to meet their ambitions and inclinations, and determine their scientific path in the correct manner.

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معالي رئيس #جامعة_المعرفة أ.د. وليد بن حسين أبو الفرج يكرم طالبات كلية الصيدلة نادية دحدولي، ريناد الشمري، وسيدة جويرية، بمناسبة حصولهن على المركز الثالث في أفضل ملصق علمي ضمن مؤتمر ومعرض دبي الدولي للصيدلة والتكنولوجيا (دوفات). — جامعة المعرفة

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