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Al-Maarifa Colleges honors its outstanding students in the Emergency Medical Services Department

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The Colleges of Knowledge honored their outstanding students in the College of Applied Sciences, Department of Emergency Medical Services. The honor was attended by the Dean of the College of Applied Sciences, Dr. Yasser Al-Turki, the Head of the Department of Emergency Medical Services, Dr. Muhammad Al-Zahrani, and faculty members and students of the department at all levels.

The academically outstanding students in semester (152) were honored as follows:

1- Student Mishal bin Khaled bin Abdullah Al-Kharashi, for his excellence in the fourth level.

2- Student Sultan bin Ghazi bin Salem Bathaf, for his excellence in the fifth level.

3- Student Ali bin Fawaz bin Ali Al Tamimi, for his excellence in the sixth level.

4- Student Saad Mahidi Saleh Mashouh, for his excellence in the seventh level.

The student Atallah bin Khalid bin Atwi Al-Ruwaili was also chosen to be the ideal student in the department during the same semester.

We wish our students continued success and excellence in their academic and practical lives.

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معالي رئيس #جامعة_المعرفة أ.د. وليد بن حسين أبو الفرج يكرم طالبات كلية الصيدلة نادية دحدولي، ريناد الشمري، وسيدة جويرية، بمناسبة حصولهن على المركز الثالث في أفضل ملصق علمي ضمن مؤتمر ومعرض دبي الدولي للصيدلة والتكنولوجيا (دوفات). — جامعة المعرفة

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يسرّنا أن نعلن عن فتح باب التسجيل للعضوية! ‏كن جزءًا من مجتمع يسعى لصقل المهارات، وصناعة التغيير، وفتح آفاق جديدة للطلاب الطموحين….

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