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Meeting new students for the second semester

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Under the guidance of His Excellency the Vice Dean of Colleges for Admission, Registration and Student Affairs, Dr. Yasser Al-Turki, and in the presence of the Director of the Student Affairs Department, Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Juhani, the Student Affairs Department, in cooperation with the Student Council in the colleges, organized last Monday: January 26, 2015, a meeting for new students for the second semester of the 2014 academic year. – 2015 AD 

The meeting began with a welcome speech from the student Abdul Salam Al-Subyani, welcoming his colleagues and congratulating them on their successful choice with the colleges of knowledge, then fragrant verses from the Holy Qur’an recited by the student Abdullah Samir.

Then, Muhannad Pasha, the Supervisor of the Student Affairs Administration, delivered a speech welcoming his fellow students and congratulating them on their acceptance into the knowledge colleges. He stressed that this meeting is one of the most important priorities of the Student Affairs Administration and comes based on the directives of His Excellency the General Supervisor of the Colleges to introduce new students to the colleges and their departments, as well. He stressed the need for the student to be informed of the college’s systems, regulations, and the student’s rights and duties through the college’s website, and the importance of continuous access to the student’s electronic portal from time to time to follow up on everything received by the student via his email, which is considered the official means and basis for communication with the college and its various departments.

 After that, there was a speech by the Student Council, which was delivered by the student: Malik Al-Khatib, congratulating his fellow students, and informing them of the cultural, social, and enrichment activities that the colleges offer to the students, which will benefit them and benefit them, calling on the new students to join the committees affiliated with the Council.

Then came the speech of Dr. Hassan Al-Naamna, in which he spoke about the importance of academic guidance for the student and its necessity in the educational process, and how the student should determine his priorities and plan his school day. He also gave a set of important advice to his students, which, God willing, contribute to improving their academic level.

Then, Professor Muhammad Al-Ziz, the social specialist, accompanied by the new students, made an introductory tour of the college facilities, which ended with receiving the uniforms for each specialty and textbooks.

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