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Memorandum of understanding between King Abdulaziz University and Al-Maarifa University

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Yesterday, Wednesday, 1/1/2020 AD, Al-Maarifa University and King Abdulaziz University witnessed the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding to deepen the bonds of cooperation between them in academic, research and technical services.

The signing was attended by His Excellency Professor Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Obaid Al-Youbi, Director of King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, senior officials at the university, and His Excellency Professor Dr. Walid bin Hussein Abu Al-Faraj, Director of Al-Maarifa University in Riyadh, where His Excellency praised what the University of the late founder, God willing, King Abdul Aziz, is achieving. Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud, may God have mercy on him, in developing university education in the Kingdom and advancing it at international levels.

 The signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding was attended by His Excellency the Director of Al-Maarifa University, His Excellency Dr. Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah, Acting Dean of the College of Applied Sciences, and a group of officials.

This memorandum comes as a cornerstone and a true partnership, which will result in opening the broadest channels of scientific and academic exchange in the technical and research fields at both universities.

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معالي رئيس #جامعة_المعرفة أ.د. وليد بن حسين أبو الفرج يكرم طالبات كلية الصيدلة نادية دحدولي، ريناد الشمري، وسيدة جويرية، بمناسبة حصولهن على المركز الثالث في أفضل ملصق علمي ضمن مؤتمر ومعرض دبي الدولي للصيدلة والتكنولوجيا (دوفات). — جامعة المعرفة

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