Workshop on obstacles to innovation

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Within the framework of extracurricular student activities related to the scientific aspect and innovations, the Student Affairs Administration, in cooperation with the College of Applied Sciences, implemented a training workshop entitled: (Obstacles to Innovation), on Wednesday 03/08/2017 AD, prepared and presented by His Excellency the Vice Dean of the College of Applied Sciences, Dr. Nasser Al-Jarallah.

This workshop addressed two axes: the first was spreading the culture of innovation by presenting the theoretical foundations of the concept of innovation, in addition to methods for developing creativity in the field of innovation, and the scientific and cognitive benefits gained from the innovative process, in a way that benefits the student through developing his or her innovative capabilities. While the second axis focuses on discovering talented students in the field of innovation by observing and evaluating their characteristics, stimulating their abilities and inspiring them with creative ideas, ending with an original innovative project, by training students on the innovation methodology.

During the introductory presentation of innovation, Dr. Nasser Al-Jarallah addressed the common misconceptions about innovation, while clarifying the correct concepts of the method of innovation. His Excellency also explained what the obstacles to innovation are and ways to overcome them, what is the difference between invention and innovation, and that the most important step of the steps of innovation is the stage of codification of the innovation industry. The second step is morally through self-encouragement within the innovator himself, then encouragement and motivation from society.

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