(Balance your vitamins)
The Faculties of Pharmacy, Medicine and Applied Sciences at Al-Maarifa University celebrated Happiness Day on March 22, 2023, under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Al-Kanhal. The event coincided with the Saudi Day of Social Responsibility, where colleges participated in organizing activities to spread joy among male and female students, such as games…
The College of Pharmacy Club launched the “Your Ramadan is Knowledge” initiative under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Al-Kanhal, to educate those who are fasting about the safe and effective use of medications during Ramadan. The initiative includes awareness sessions and the distribution of educational materials, aiming to enhance pharmaceutical knowledge during the holy month. “Launch of the (Ramadan…)
On March 16, 2023, the College of Pharmacy Club launched an initiative entitled (Beware of It) in Panorama Mall, under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Al-Kanhal. The initiative focuses on raising awareness of the dangers of animal and plant toxins surrounding us and learning how to deal with them safely. Beware of it' Initiative at…
Our dear students... #University of Knowledge invites you to participate in competitions to celebrate the glorious Foundation Day. We look forward to your wonderful creativity...and the prizes are waiting for you. pic.twitter.com/XZmoved6J1 — Al Maarefa University (@AlMaarefa) January 28, 2024
On May 23, 2023, the College of Pharmacy Club at Al-Maarifa University launched an initiative entitled (Your Life is Not an Experiment - Drugs) under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Al-Kanhal. This initiative comes in solidarity with the national campaign to eradicate drugs, as the club presented an awareness event about the dangers of…
On May 1, 2023, the College of Pharmacy Club launched an event entitled (Biochemistry in Our Lives) at Al-Ma’rifa University, under the supervision of Dr. Najat Hamed. The initiative aims to highlight the importance of biochemistry in various fields and its impact on our daily lives “College of…