The Vision

Provide a comfortable educational environment that enhances learning, professionalism, research, and community services

The Message

Graduating competent physicians with high ethical values in an effective educational environment, inspiring research, and community service


  • Quality
  • Teamwork
  • Trust and honesty
  • Student-centered education

Events and Announcements

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

Almaarefa College of Medicine program offers the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS), which requires six years of study and one year of internship (a total of 222 credit hours). The students in the College are required to complete successfully a set of courses that are taken over three phases. The first is a one-year (two semesters) premedical phase. The second is a two and a half-year (five semesters) basic sciences phase, in which students study all body systems in integrated blocks with clinical relevance. The third phase is two and a half-year (five semesters) phase composed of clinical rotations in the different fields of Medicine and Surgery. One-year (12 months) Internship is required after completion of all courses before official graduation

Detailed plan for graduation from the Bachelor of Medicine and General Surgery program by level:

Phase 2: Basic Medical Sciences

Level 3 (Semester 3) (19 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
MEDU 222 Concepts and Principles of Learning & History of MedicineLearn 222 Learning Concepts and Principles and History of Medicine
ANAT 214 Principles of Anatomy, Histology and EmbryologyExplain 214 Basic Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
PHSL 215 Principles of Physiology, Biochemistry and PharmacologyFS 215 Fundamentals of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology
PATH 216 Principles of Pathology, Microbiology and Community MedicineDisease 216 Fundamentals of Pathology, Microbiology and Community Medicine
PSYC 201 Introduction to PsychologyPsychology 201 Introduction to Psychology

Level 4 (Semester 4) (16 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
HMIM 224 Hemopoietic Immune SystemsPrevent 224 Blood and Immunological Diseases
ISLM 103 Economic System in Islam 2Ladder 103 The Economic System in Islam
MSK 225 Musculoskeletal SystemMuscle 225 Musculoskeletal System
COMM 201 Communication Skills201 Communication Skills Arrived

Level 5 (Semester 5) (18 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
RESP 312 Respiratory SystemBreathing 312 Respiratory System
CHP 310 Community HealthCollect 310 Community Health
COMP 201 Computer for Health SciencesComputer 201 Computer for Health Sciences
ISLM 310 Contemporary Jurisprudential Medical IssuesLadder 301 Contemporary Medical Jurisprudence Issues
CVS 322 Cardiovascular SystemHeart 322 Cardiovascular System

Level 6 (Semester 6) (20 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
RSCH 410 Introduction to Health ResearchResearch 410 Introduction to Health Research
URIN 313 Urinary SystemPoly 313 Urinary System
LAB 304 Medical LaboratoryLaboratory 304 Medical Laboratories
REPR 314 Reproductive SystemMy offspring 314 Reproductive system
ENDO 412 Endocrine And MetabolismHormone 412 Endocrine System and Metabolism

Level 7 (Semester 7) (20 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
RSCH 420 Field Health ResearchResearch 420 Field Health Research
CNS 413 CNS, Special Senses and BehaviorNerve 413 Neuroscience
GIT 323 Gastrointestinal SystemDigestion 323 Digestive System
MGEN 410 Medical Genetics and Advanced Topics in MedicineInheritance 410 Genetics and Advanced Medical Topics
COMM 403 Communications Skills with Patients403 Patient Communication Skills

Phase 3: Clinical Medical Sciences

Level 8 (Semester 8) (20 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
ETHC 411 Ethics and Law for Health ProfessionsCreate 411 Medical Practice Ethics and Codes
MIMG 422 Medical Imaging and InterventionRadiation 422 Radiology and Medical Imaging
MED 435 Introduction to Clinical MedicineMedicine 435 Introduction to Clinical Sciences
THER 425 TherapeuticsTreatment 425 Medical Therapeutics
SKILL 402 Clinical Professional SkillsMAHR 402 Clinical Professional Skills

Level 9 (Semester 9) (18 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
ENT 531 OtolaryngologyEar 531 Otorhinolaryngology
FAM 530 Family MedicineFamilies 530 Family Medicine
DERM 533 DermatologySkin 533 Dermatology
OPTH 532 OphthalmologyEye 532 Ophthalmology
PSCH 534 PsychiatryPsych 534 Psychiatry
ANAS 538 AnesthesiaAnesthesia 538 Anesthesiology

Level 10 (Semester 10) (17 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
FRNS 537 Principles of Forensic MedicineLegit 537 Fundamentals of Forensic Medicine
EMR 539 EmergencyEmergency 539 Emergency Medicine
ORTH 536 Orthopedics536 bones
GYN 535 Obstetrics and GynecologyNSAA 535 Obstetrics and Gynecology

Level 11 (Semester 11) (18 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
SURG 633 Surgery IWound 633 Surgery -1
MED 631 Internal Medicine IMedicine 631 Internal Medicine -1
PED 632 Pediatrics IChild 632 Children -1

Level 12 (Semester 12) (18 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
SURG 636 Surgery IIWound 636 Surgery -2
MED 634 Internal Medicine IIMedicine 634 Internal Medicine -2
PED 635 Pediatrics IIChild 635 Children -2

Phase 4: Internship

Level 13 (Semester 13) (1 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
MED701 Internship IMedicine 701 Internship-1

Level 14 (Semester 14) (1 credit hours)

English CourseArabic Course
MED702 Internship IIMedicine 702 Internship Training-2