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The Vision

Provide a comfortable educational environment that enhances learning, professionalism, research, and community services


Graduating competent physicians with high ethical values in an effective educational environment, inspiring research, and community service


  • Quality
  • Teamwork
  • Trust and honesty
  • Student-centered education

Events and Announcements

About the program

The year of clinical training (internship) is considered an extension of the stages of study in the Faculty of Human Medicine and is one of the most important basic building blocks on which a doctor’s personality is built.

The university administration, represented by the Deanship of the College of Medicine, took it upon itself to develop the scientific and clinical content for the internship year, made some amendments, and focused on ensuring that clinical training took place in major hospitals that had the medical and human capabilities to carry out the clinical training process.

The intern doctor has an important role to play in carrying out the tasks and responsibilities assigned to him, the most important of which is adherence to the tolerant teachings of his Islamic religion in dealing with patients and preserving their privacy, as well as practical and professional commitment towards training centers and being role models for their colleagues.

The university wishes the intern doctors, male and female, success and that this will be the beginning of a distinguished medical future.

Definition of Internship year

It is twelve months of clinical training that begins after the medical student successfully passes all academic courses in the College of Human Medicine until the end of the twelfth semester (sixth year).

Training Course:

It is the period that the intern doctor spends in the specialty, and it ranges from one month to three months, according to what is shown in the regulations attached to the website.

Clinical training

These are the practical clinical activities that the trainee performs on patients in one of the training centers in accordance with the regulations mentioned below.

Training Center

It is one of the hospitals or medical and research centers accredited by the College of Human Medicine to train intern doctors.

Internship Training Unit :

Dr. Shaher Mohamed Abbarah

Unit head

Mr. Absher Muhammad Ibrahim

Suleiman Al-Barqan

Mr. Suleiman Al-Barqan

Moatasem Mahmoud Al-Shami

Mr. Moatasem Mahmoud Al-Shami

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