Program Overview
The Master's program in Clinical Pharmacy is designed to prepare skilled pharmacy professionals who will fill leadership gap across a variety of clinical specialties and scientific research. The program will cater to the current needs of hospitals, academic institutions, research centers, and community healthcare facilities. The target audience includes Pharm.D. graduates and pharmacists with a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy. To qualify for the Master's degree, students must demonstrate adherence to the academic standards approved by the college and successfully complete a one-year clinical training with full satisfaction. Academic standards include the ability to serve supervisors during clinical training periods and the capability to conduct publishable research.

Program Mission
To graduate competent and skillful clinical pharmacists with advanced knowledge and clinical expertise committed to provide pharmaceutical care to the community with an aptitude to lifelong learning through excellence in research and professionalism.
Program Vision
The faculty of Pharmacy is an integral part of a comprehensive educational institute, Almaarefa University. This university was established with a vision "to be a leading private higher education institution in the region". The program will produce pharmacy professionals who meet international standards in clinical pharmacy practice, clinical research, and healthcare system practice. In a few years, the program will attain a prestigious status in clinical pharmacy education and leadership in the Middle East.
Program Goals
- Provide pharmacists with the advanced knowledge and skills essential to the clinical practice of pharmacy in a variety of hospital and community settings.
- Prepare graduates to assume leadership in the provision of pharmaceutical care and enhancing the practice of pharmacy.
- Execute accurately the therapeutic plans prepared by the health cared team and report any drug-related concerns.
- Enhance the culture of patient safety and partnership with other healthcare disciplines.
- Produce pharmacy professionals who meet international standards in critical thinking, excellence in clinical research, and healthcare system practice.
- Develop clinical pharmacy professionals who can work as faculty members in academic institutes.
Study Plan
Level 1
Number | Course Name | Mandatory or optional | Requirement | Number of hours |
740 skel | Advanced drug therapy 1- | Mandatory | no internship | 1+3 (4) |
741 sheet | Advanced drug therapy 2- | Mandatory | no internship | 1+3 (4) |
742 skel | Clinical Research Methods and Applied Statistics | Mandatory | no internship | 1+3 (4) |
743 skel | Advanced clinical pharmacokinetics and therapeutic follow-up | Mandatory | no internship | 1+3 (4) |
744 skel | Research Project - 1 | Mandatory | no internship | 1+1 (2) |
Level 2
Number | Course Name | Mandatory or optional | Requirement | Number of hours |
740 skel | Advanced drug therapy 3- | Mandatory | no internship | 1+3 (4) |
741 sheet | Advanced drug therapy 4- | Mandatory | no internship | 1+3 (4) |
742 skel | Research Project - 2 | Mandatory | 844 and 743 | 4+0 (4) |
743 skel | Advanced Pharmacy Practice | Mandatory | 845 skel | 0+1 (1) |
743 skel | Clinical Immunology | Mandatory | 846 skel | 0+1 (1) |
845 skel | Complementary and alternative medicine | Optional | There is none | 0+2 (2) |
846 skel | Methods of analysis and drug discovery | Optional | There is none | 0+2 (2) |
847 skel | Genetics and Molecular Biology | Optional | There is none | 0+2 (2) |
Level 3
Number | Course Name | Mandatory or optional | Requirement | Number of hours |
900 skel | Clinical Training 1- (Internal Medicine) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
901 skel | Clinical Training 2- (Drug and Toxicology Information Services) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
902 skel | Clinical Training 3- (Medication Safety) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
903 skel | Clinical Training 4- (Surgical Intensive Care) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
904 skel | Clinical Training 5- (Cardiology) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
Level 4
Number | Course Name | Mandatory or optional | Requirement | Number of hours |
905 skel | Clinical Training 6- (Total Parenteral Nutrition) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
906 skel | Clinical Training 7- (Oncology) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
907 skel | Clinical Training 8- (Pediatrics) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |
908 skel | Clinical Training 9- (Pharmaceutical Administration) | Mandatory | All Courses | 3+0 |