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Showing 753-760 of 826 results

The faculties of knowledge host the memorizers of the Book of God

March 7, 2023

بفضل من الله وكرمه وانطلاقاً من اهتمام الكليات بمناشط المجتمع وفعالياته، وأهمها وخيرها ما يخص الكتاب الحكيم، فقد استقبلت الكليات نخبة من الطالبات الحافظات  لكتاب الله الكريم في حفل كبير تم تكريمهن من قبل جمعية تحفيظ القرآن الكريم بالدرعية ، …

The cause of Middle East respiratory syndrome (Corona) is the title of a lecture on the Knowledge Amphitheater

March 7, 2023

 ألقى الدكتور قيس عبد المجيد حداد استشاري أمراض وبائية وعدوى بمستشفى قوى الأمن الداخلي بالرياض ، محاضرة متخصصة عن فيروس كورونا من على مسرح المعرفة يوم أمس الأربعاء القادم 08/07/1435 الموافق 07/05/2014م الساعة 2.30، وذلك بحضور وكيل قسم الطب للشؤون الأكاديمية …

Health Week at the Scientific Institute, healthy food

March 7, 2023

تحت شعار “غذاء صحي” أقامت كليات المعرفة للعلوم والتقنية وضمن الأسبوع الصحي المقام في المعهد العلمي في محافظة الدرعية التابع لجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية محاضرة بعنوان: السمنة .. أنواعها.. أسبابها وعلاجها  ألقاها الأستاذ أبوبكر حامد المحاضر في قسم التمريض …

As the first university at the public and private levels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to obtain this standard

March 5, 2023

Al-Maarifa University achieves the standards for obtaining the ISO certificate for the educational institutions management system EMOS ISO21001:2018 in all its administrative, organizational and educational practices. This standard is the first management system standard published by the ISO Foundation dedicated to the education sector. It is worth noting that the university has previously obtained…

The university is at a global summit

March 5, 2023

The university participated, represented by the Dean of the College of Students and Advisor to His Excellency the President, Dr. Khaled Al-Qumaizi, Head of the Computer Department, Dr. Faisal Al-Ghayad, and Quality Supervisor, A. Alaa Al Zamil at the “QS Higher Ed Summit: Asia Pacific 2022”, which was held in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, under the patronage of the Indonesian Vice President...

Medical students win international awards

March 5, 2023

His Excellency the University President Prof. Dr. Walid bin Hussein Abu Al-Faraj, in the presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine and Advisor to His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Ibrahim Al-Qumaizi, honored medical students: Abdul Rahman Al-Awfi, Nujoud bin Hadib, and Hasna Mirza, winners of the Research Excellence Shields at the Twelfth International Conference

The university is creative

March 5, 2023

His Excellency the President of the University honored Prof. Dr. Walid bin Hussein Abu Al-Faraj, teaching staff member, teaching assistant at the College of Pharmacy, Ms. Sarah Al-Kanhal, and high school student, Nada Al-Hadyan; To distinguish the research study in which the student participated, under the supervision of Professor Al-Kanhal, in the National Olympiad for Creativity Competition…

Pharmacy students top Saudi universities

March 5, 2023

His Excellency the University President honored Prof. Dr. Walid bin Hussein Abu Al-Faraj, the College of Pharmacy team consisting of the team supervisor, faculty member, teaching assistant Areej Bint Al-Nashmi Al-Shalawi, and the students Muhammad Al-Zaid, Saad Al-Ajlan, Khaled Al-Shamasneh, Ahmed Zuhdi, and Khaled Bakerman won first place on…

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