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Launching a healthy marriage campaign

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The Community Responsibility Unit at Al-Maarifa University hosted the launch of the “Healthy Marriage” awareness campaign, which was organized by both Riyadh Health and King Fahad Medical City. It was held on Thursday, the 21st. February 2019 AD. The inauguration began with a welcome speech from Dr. Nasser Al-Jarallah, Dean of the College of Applied Sciences, in which he welcomed the brothers and sisters in attendance. His Excellency also noted the importance of health awareness and educational campaigns. For his part, Dr. Iyad Damietta, a family medicine consultant at King Fahd Medical City, said that a healthy marriage represents a state of agreement and harmony between the spouses in terms of health, psychological, physical, social and legal aspects, with the aim of forming a healthy family and giving birth to healthy children to form a healthy societal building block.

Dr. Maysoon Al-Badawi also stated that it is advised for those about to get married to undergo a medical examination no less than three months before the date of marriage so that the couple can plan their lives better, as the validity of the healthy marriage certificate lasts for six months and it is only possible to re-examine for infectious diseases when there is a need for a re-examination. once again.

At the end of the inauguration, Dr. Nasser Al-Jarallah honored the lecturers and those in charge of this health program. He also thanked the participants attending Al-Ma’rifa University for hosting, as this hosting came out of the university’s constant keenness. To continue and support community and knowledge participation in the service of the nation and the citizen.

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